Fields Interface

screenshot of the fields interface dashboard layout

Add New Fields


To add a new field, click on the desired type of field within the side menu

  • Text field - accepts text, symbols, and numbers
  • Numeric field - accepts numbers and decimals
  • Lookup field - creates a drop-down menu box
  • Date field - accepts numbers formatted as dates
add fields side bar menu
Text Fields

Add Text Field

The Text Field accepts text, symbols, and numbers.

1. Click Add Text Field.

2. Enter in the Field Name and a default value to display upon creation of a new pavement.

3. Click Add Field

screenshot of the add new text field form

Numeric Fields

Add Numeric Field

The Numeric Field accepts numbers and decimals.

1. Click Add Numeric Field.

2. Enter in the Field Name, the number of decimal places to be displayed, and a default value to display upon creation of a new pavement.

3. Click Add Field.

screenshot of the add numeric field form

Lookup Fields

Add Lookup Field

The Lookup Field creates a drop-down menu box.

To add a lookup field,

1. Click Add Lookup Field in the side menu.

2. Enter in the Field Name and click Add Field

3. To add options in the drop-down menu, click on the Values button in the new field’s row in the table.

add fields side bar menu
screenshot of the add lookup field form
screenshot of the lookup values assigned departments window

4. Click Add Value

5. Enter in a value and click Add

6. To edit an existing value,
click the orange Edit button in the value’s row.

7. To delete an existing value,
click the red X at the end of a value’s row

screenshot of the add lookup value form
screenshot of the lookup values assigned departments window

Date Fields

Add Date Field

The Date Field accepts numbers formatted as dates.

1. Click Add Date Field.

2. Enter in the Field Name and enter a default number of days away from the creation date of the pavement to display.

3. Click Add Field.

screenshot of the add date field form

Field Status


screenshot of the status window

1. To add a new status, click the Status button in the sub-menu.

2. Click Add Status, or click on an existing status to edit.

screenshot of the status window

3. Enter in the Status Name and select the Status Color from the drop-down menu, then click Add.

screenshot of the add status form

4. To edit an existing status, click on the pencil icon in the status' row within the table.

screenshot of the add status formscreenshot of the status window

Status Defaults

Status Defaults

4. To set a default status to display upon the creation of a new entity, click the Status Defaults button in the sub-menu.

5. Select the desired status from the drop-down menu then click Apply Changes.

screenshot of the status window
screenshot of status defaults form

Fields Dashboard

Jump to section:
Adding a new field
Editing a field
Creating and editing status'
Set a default status

-Adding a New Field:

-Select the fields tab from the main menu bar.

-From the dashboard, you can see the field ID, field name, lookup values, type of field, and the field order.

-To add a new field, select which type of field you want to create and click on the corresponding button from the right-side menu. You can then add the field details.

-Editing a Field:

To edit a field simply click on it's name in the dashboard or select the pencil icon next to the ID. An edit window will pop up with the fields' current information.

-Creating and Editing status':

-Click on the status button in the menu bar.

-A window will open up with the current status information.

-Click on add status to create a new status or click on an existing status to edit it.

-The new status box will have you select a name and a new color for the status.

-Changing the Default Status:

-Click on the default status option from the menu bar.

-A new box will open up with the option to set a default status for all new work orders that are created.