Work Orders Main Dashboard

Work Order dashboard layout

Create A Work Order

screenshot of the create work orders navigation bar

1. Click Create WO in the sub-menu

2. Fill out the work order information. This can be changed later if necessary

screenshot of the create work order form

3. Click Create.

-Once created, every new work order is auto-assigned a number. These numbers can be used for searches in the dashboard.

Create A Work Order Template

To begin making a template you will need to:

Create a basic work order and then open it from the dashboard. While filling in your template fields, keep in mind that you will want limited information in the template.

Templates are usually used for frequent repairs such as street light repairs, traffic sign replacement or any work order that you might be creating on a regular basis. You can also assign certain employees, equipment or materials to a specific template.

screenshot of the create work order form

-Next, choose the Save as Template option from the right-side menu.

screenshot of the create work order form

-Type in a name for your template.

Note: If you created a work order only for the purpose to make a template, check the box to delete the work order.

screenshot of the create work order form
screenshot of the create work order form
screenshot of the create work order form

-You can now create new work orders from a template by selecting the WO Template tab from the menu bar.

Any saved templates will appear in the drop-down box to select from.

-You can also edit existing templates if changes need to be made.

-Once created, every new work order is auto-assigned a number. These numbers can be used for searches in the dashboard.

The Work Order Information Window

work order dashboard layout

Advanced Searches

screenshot of the advanced search navigation bar

1. Click the Advanced Search button in the sub-menu.

screenshot of the Advanced Search Form

2. The Advanced Search allows the user to search by any fields in the application. Enter the desired search parameters and click Search.

3.Searches can be saved for later ease of access. To save a search, click the Save Search button before clicking Search.

View Saved Searches

screenshot of teh open saved search navigation bar

1. Click the Open Saved Search button in the sub-menu.

screenshot of the select saved search form

2. Select the desired saved search from the drop-down menu. Click Open to view the saved search or click Edit to change the parameters of the search.

3. Alternatively, select the saved search from the Select View drop-down menu from the main dashboard.

screenshot of the select saved search dropdown menu


View graphs to see a visual representation of your data

screenshot of the graph display feature

Side Menu Bar Overview

The side menu allows you to:

  • Save selected work orders,
  • Edit selected work orders,
  • View Settings
  • Customize dashboard preferences
  • Print Information.
screenshot of the preferences side menu option

Save Selected:

This is another location where saved searches can be created. 

1. Check the boxes to the left of the items that you are wanting to group together in a saved search.

Select Dashboard Items

2. Select “Save Selected” from the side bar menu.

3. A popup window will open where you can name the saved search and then press “Save Selected"


Edit Selected

Edit Selected allows you to edit multiple work orders.

1. Check all the boxes to the left of the items that you need to edit.

Select Dashboard Items

2. Select Edit Selected from the Side menu.

3. A popup screen will appear where you can select just the selected items or all the items on the page. Then press NEXT.

Edit Selected. Permit popup

4. Then a new popup window will open where you can select the field for what needs to be edited. Then press NEXT.

Edit Selected Popup

5. Another popup window will open where you can select what field you selected to be changed to from the drop-down menu.

Then press Edit Selected.


6. Then an alert will pop that you must read, and press continue to complete this request.


Preferences and Settings


To customize the display of your software application,
select the Preferences button within the side menu.

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

screenshot of the work management preferences window

This is where you can set preferences on:

  • Fields and the order they are displayed on the dashboard,
  • Number of lines shown on one page (Page Size).
  • Size information is displayed on the main dashboard (View Size),
  • Size of detail sections on the edit screen popup window  (Table Size),
  • Default Size of the popup window. (Edit Screen Size)
  • Condense popup window items (Edit Screen View)
  • Color scheme
  • Default saved search.
screenshot of the work management preferences window
screenshot of the work management preferences window

Choose Displayed Fields

 In the Preferences window, select which fields to display in the Dashboard View table.

(Note: This does not remove a field from the application. Fields can still be viewed in the Information window if unchecked in the Preferences window).

Re-order fields displayed on dashboard

Select the gear icon in the bottom right side from the preference window.

From here you can click and hold on field items to drag them to the order you wish to see them displayed in the main dashboard. 


screenshot of the preferences side menu option

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

Screen Display Settings

In the Preference window scroll down to the bottom to change the look and feel of your dashboard

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

Page Size

Changes how many items are displayed on each page.

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

View Size

Adjusts the size of the text and the cells on the primary interface.

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

Table Size

Adjusts the size of the table text within the pop-up window.

screenshot of the preferences side menu option

Edit Screen Size

Adjusts the default size that the popup window opens as.

Color Scheme Examples

screenshot of the preferences side menu optionscreenshot of the preferences side menu option