The Map Interface

screenshot of the maps dashboard layout

Changing the Map View

1. To change the background layer, click on the Layers Icon in the top right-hand corner of the window.

2. Select which option to display as the background map layer.

screenshot of iworq map layers feature
screenshot of map layers options

Viewing a Saved Search

1. To view the results of a saved search on the map, select the saved search from the drop-down box within the side menu.

2. Results will be highlighted on the map. To display information from a result, click on the highlighted result on the map.

screenshot of iworq map saved search feature

3. Click Edit/View to open the information window for the search result.

screenshot of the saved search feature
screenshot of a work order in the maps window

Create a Work Order in the Map

1. To create a work order while in the field from the map, click on the Add Work Order button on the left-side menu.

2. Choose to add the location to a new work order, or an existing work order. 

3. Click Add.

screenshot of the add work orders form
screenshot of the add work orders button

Map Dashboard

Jump to section:

Changing the background view
Viewing a saved search
Create a work order in the field

Changing the Background View-

-To open the GIS map, select the map tab from the top menu.

-To adjust what layer is displayed behind your parcel and permit information, click on the ‘layers’ button at the top right side of the window.

-To change the view of the background layer, select the option you want to see.

-Saved search data in the map can be displayed by selecting a search from the drop-down menu at the top of the window. The results of the search will be highlighted in the chosen color.

-To learn more about an asset, click on the identify button and then on the highlighted asset.

-Creating a new work order in the field:

-To issue a new work order while you’re on-site, use the current location option to find your location on the map.

-Click on the select option and place your cursor and click and draw a rectangle around the asset you would like to select.

-Click on Create New Work Order link.