Fleet Dashboard Overview


Add to Fleet

1. Click Add to Fleet in the sub-menu.

2. Enter the fleet vehicle information. This can be changed later if necessary.

3. Click the Create button.


The Fleet Information Window


Advanced Search


1. Click the Advanced Search button in the sub-menu.


2. The Advanced Search allows the user to search by any fields in the application. Enter the desired search parameters and click Search.

3. Searches can be saved for later ease of access. To save a search, click the Save Search button prior to clicking Search.

View Saved Searches

1. To open a saved search, click the Open Saved Search button in the sub-menu.


2. Select the saved search from the drop-down menu.
Click Open. To edit the parameters of the saved search, click the Edit button.


3. Alternatively, select the saved search from the Select View drop-down menu located in the upper right-hand corner of the Fleet View table.


Settings and Preferences

1. To customize the display of the Fleet Management application, select the Preferences button within the side menu.

2. In the Fleet Preferences window, select which fields to display in the Fleet View table (this does not remove a field from the application and fields can still be viewed in the Fleet Information window if unchecked in the Preferences window).

3. Select the number of lines displayed on each page as well as the size the information is displayed at.

